Any support you can give is deeply appreciated and will make a big difference to those who are in genuine need.

Our Current Appeals

Spring into Summer

These funds will provide direct assistance to students and their families in our school system who need help to pay for student excursions and resources.

Poverty, distressed and disadvantaged

These funds will provide assistance with the relief of those suffering from poverty, distress or disadvantage.

Caring for, supporting and protecting children and young individuals

These funds will provide for care and support for children and young people, particularly those who are in great need and vulnerable.

Caring for and supporting those who are aged or disabled

These funds will provide for care and support for our vulnerable aged and disabled members of the community.

Crisis Appeals

These funds are used for any assistance required following crisis or disasters eg floods, bushfires. They may assist with rebuilding and repairs of not-for-profit assets, provide food, clothing or temporary accommodation.

Kathleen Briscoe Tuition Scholarship

The KBTS is a unique scholarship opportunity for families who would be challenged financially with the burden of tuition fees during the secondary schooling years.

If you have any questions about the St Agnes’ Foundation, or if you have any suggestions for future appeals, please fill in your name and email address below or call (02) 6588 7444. Thank you.