Week 6: Scenes from Holy Week

Week 6:

Scenes from Holy Week

As the scenes of Holy Week unfold it may seem that God has abandoned Jesus. God has done anything but and is there with Jesus in the suffering and, ultimately, in the resurrection. This week we consider how we allow God to journey with us through all the emotion and events of life?

Use the resources below to go deeper with this theme.

Click the image below to read the full Gospel.

Week 6: Scenes from Holy Week

Click the image below for a short version of the reflection.

Week 6: Scenes from Holy Week

Click the image below to listen to the song song
‘An Easter Hallelujah’ by Cassandra and Callahan Star

Click the image below to view a short video reflection.

An Easter Hallelujah by Cassandra and Callahan Star
Week 6: Scenes from Holy Week

Closing Prayer

Compassionate God,
You are with us in every experience of life.
Sustain and transform us
with Christ as we live, suffer, and die in him,
ready to live in the hope promised to us.
We pray trusting in your love
in communion with the Holy Spirit.
