About the team
Lisa Bright and Richard McMahon from Synodal Consulting have been engaged to support the Parish with the development and implementation of our Pastoral Community Renewal plan. Relevant information gathered during previous consultations, such as the Pastoral Council Review, Diocesan review and the forums held for the 2022-27 Strategic Plan, has been shared with them and will be considered during the renewal.
The members of the Pastoral Renewal Team (PRT) are:
- Fr Paul Gooley
- Tess Koning
- Tony Worner
- Lisa Bright
- Richard McMahon
- Megan Barber (exofficio)
The team combines rich gifts and skills, and ensures connection with youth, parents with smaller children, with our two largest ethnic communities, and across our Mass centres and Mass times.
- Annemarie Murphy
- Beth Flynn
- Chloe Nash
- Debbie Rennes
- Jim O’Brien
- Neethu Augustine
- Shane Hyland
- Fr Roland Agrisola
- Fr Prodencio Bognay
The team gathered for a time of initial formation on Saturday, 29 October2022.
Other ways to be part of the team
The role of the Animator is a vital one through which people who are enthusiastic about sharing the message of renewal within their own networks and circles of friends – small or large – receive support and able to get involved in a concrete way at this initial stage. Several people have already expressed interest in being an Animator (and you can still add your name to the list). In small or big ways, renewal involves everyone!
Want to be involved?
Please contact Tony Worner at tony.worner@stagnesparish.org.au to have a chat.