8 Tips for Self Care 

With the many things happening in each one’s life presently, it may be beneficial to take a moment to reflect on “How am I caring for myself in the midst of life?”. Only in doing this can really be a gift to others in any capacity. This article shares eight practical tips you can integrate into your daily life.

1. What is spiritually enriching in my life?

  • Engaging in meditation, reflection, or prayer
  • Reading sacred or inspiring texts
  • Spending time in nature
  • Receiving teachings, or attending spiritual or religious gatherings
  • Engaging in music, painting, drawing, writing, or other arts practices
  • Spending time with those who love me and whom I love
  • Identifying what activities help me feel my best. Self-care is different for each person.

2. Putting time in my calendar

  • Take a closer look at my calendar and carve out one or two hours for self-care and stick to it. Resist the temptation to allow other events to take priority.

3. Sneaking in self-care where I can

  • Try to fit in little chunks of time if I can’t find a larger period.

4. Taking care of myself physically

  • This includes adequate sleep, good nutrition and exercise.

5. Allowing myself to say no

6. Checking in with myself regularly

7. Considering the quality of self-care

  • Scrolling endlessly through social media may not be the most helpful form of self- care.

8. Remembering that self-care is non-negotiable

(adapted from meaningful ageing)

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