Annual Kindergarten Information Night a big hit
Last Tuesday 30 March, over 130 people attended the Information Night for Kindergarten in 2022 across St Agnes’ Catholic Parish primary schools at St Agnes’, St Joseph’s and St Peter’s. Of the attendees about 50% were new families sending their first child to our schools.
It was held at St Joseph’s Primary School’s multi-purpose hall on Warlters Street and a packed house listened to presentations from Principals Ginaya Yarnold, Tess Koning and Geoff Leary. A particular highlight was Geoff’s presentation that included a Q and A session with Year 6 students across each of the primary schools.
Executive Manager for St Joseph’s Family Services Wendy Ward provided some tips for preparing children for kindergarten saying there are two main questions to be asked in preparation: “Is your child ready for kindergarten?” and “Is kindergarten ready for your child?”
Coordinating Executive Officer for Parish schools Stephen Pares spoke about the collective focus of all our schools on providing the best start for the learning lives.
Kindergarten enrolments moved to an online format last year and are due 7 May.