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Big celebrations at St Peter’s Primary, Port Macquarie as new buildings officially open

There was a flurry of activity at St Peter’s Primary in Port Macquarie on June 26 at the official opening of their completed stage three building works.

Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams and Most Reverend Bishop Gregory Homeming, Bishop of Lismore were on hand for the whole school celebration, and Principal Geoff Leary said it was a remarkable day.

“Today is the official opening of the last stage of building at St Peter’s taking it from a two stream school to a three stream school,” Mr Leary said.

“The opening today has been the culmination of seven years of work and construction and is the biggest work undertake since the school was established in 1993.

“The final part of the building works and what we are officially opening today was the renovation of classrooms to make three year 6 classes which we needed for the first time this year as well as expansions of the canteen, hall, library, maintenance shed and professional learning rooms for teachers to plan collaboratively in.”

The rapidly expanding school currently educates 542 students and Mr Leary said there had been considerable upgrades to play facilities for students across the school.

“However I think the students new favourite upgrades would be the considerable work to the play equipment around the school,” he said.

“We have remodelled all the play stations including the installation of a dancing stage with speakers to blast music, a trike track, sandpits, rock quarry, fairy garden, long jump pit along with a few other areas for the students to play.

“I think the variety we have been able to provide for the students is great, we have spaces for kids to be really active and play structured games like touch football and soccer.

“Then there are spaces where children can go off quietly like the fairy garden or the matchbox car area.

“We also have music areas for the students who are that way inclined so we really do have a great variety of options for things kids to do at lunch time.

Yeah 6 students Georgie Andrews, Catherine Duffy, Jesse Fisher and Danny Kale said the newly completed building works are great.

“The new play areas mean we get to have more fun and interact more with our friends at lunch,” Catherine said.

“As a year 6 we get to go on duty and help the kindergarten students have a good time at lunch,” Georgie said.

“The new areas mean we are getting exercise while we are out having fun because everything is new and different with so many places to go and explore,” Jesse said.

Sourced from Port News:

Bishop opens St Peter's Primary School new facilities

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