Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

CCA a Finalist in the Hastings Business Awards

Catholic Care of the Aged (CCA) was a Finalist at the 2019 Holiday Coast Credit Union Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards in the category of Community & Social Services.

The Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce launched the Business Awards in 2007 as a way of formally acknowledging the growth and success of businesses in the Greater Port Macquarie region.

“Our category included some tough competition but was won by Liberty Domestic & Family Violence Specialist Services,” CCA’s Director of Clinical Care Natalie Dodd said. “The nomination was great recognition for the work CCA does and we look forward to returning next year.”

John Henry Institute sponsored the Professional Services category (6 or more employees) which was won by MBC Recruitment. Their award was presented by Ben Castles.

Picture: Attending the Night was (back) Steve Bryant, Natalie Dodd, Amanda Cahill, Ben Castles, Tracy Wood, Paula Campbell, (front) Olivia Trutwein and Sue Reid.

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