Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

CCA helping the community live their best life

Village Residents, community partners, families, staff and members of the broader community came together to attend the free Wellbeing Forums run by Catholic Care of the Aged (CCA) on Wednesday and Thursday 29-30 January 2020.

Client Relationship Manager, Tracy Wood said the forums were an opportunity for the community to gain insight into the services provided by CCA to assist them in living live life to the fullest

“Our intention is that individuals, families, community partners are informed of the resources available locally, and that there is transparency around how these resources can be accessed,” Tracy said.

“We believe that, by engaging with individuals and their families, we strengthen community partnerships and can support people in finding fulfillment through our care communities which offer exceptional lifestyle, clinical and pastoral care,” she added.

Guest speakers at the forums covered topics including Home Care, Occupational Therapy, Health and Fitness, U3A, and other local Parish initiatives.

Attendees were able to talk with specialists in a one-on-one setting, to collect resources and enjoy a delicious grazing table for lunch, provided by St Agnes’ Food Services.

The Wellbeing Forums wrapped up with a guided bus tour of Catholic Care of the Aged services and a walkthrough of a recently refurbished villa.

Sue Reid, Client Relationship Officer for Village Sales said, “The forums were a great opportunity to show interested people through our villages over the two days, and to assist them in making informed decisions around their future.”

Feedback from those who attended the forums was very positive.

“After the forum I have a better understanding of what CCA is all about, wonderful speakers in a broad range of areas,” one attendee said.

Another attendee explained that, having attended the forum, they now have a better idea of where to start on the aged care journey.

Due the success of the event, the next forum will be held in May 2020.

If you have any suggestions for topics you would like considered for the next forum please contact Donnelly House on 5525 3600.

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