Compliance audits confirm Parish services up to scratch
St Agnes’ Site
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) conducted an unannounced reaccreditation audit of St Agnes’ Site (which includes St Agnes’ House, Mount Carmel House and Maryknoll House) in March. Such an audit evaluates the service against 42 requirements across eight Aged Care Quality Standards covering things such as resident’s dignity and choice, clinical care, service and supports for daily living (providing a range of leisure and lifestyle activities, pastoral care and food services to optimise residents’ quality of life), Service environment (including cleaning, preventative maintenance building and equipment), residents’ feedback, and continuous improvement HR staffing requirements, and organisational governance.
The auditors, in their draft report, confirmed that St Agnes’ Site complied with all eight standards and commended the team for their commitment and the quality of care provided to residents.
Congratulations on this outstanding result!
St Agnes’ Early Education Centre
The Department of Education, Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate recently undertook an assessment and ratings visit at St Agnes’ Early Education Centre (SAEEC), which is part of St Joseph’s Family Services. The visit measured the service’s practices against the seven National Quality Standards covering various aspects of its Educational Programs and Practice; Children’s Health and Safety; Physical Environment, Staffing, Relationships with Children, Partnerships with Families and Communities and Governance and Leadership. SAEEC successfully passed the assessment and achieved commendations from the auditors for the standards demonstrated across all categories.
This success was the result of the hard work and dedication of everyone involved with SAEEC – the staff who work in the service as well as those who support them in Finance, IT, Food Services, Quality & Compliance, HR and Property Services. Well done everyone!
St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle NDIS Service
It is worth noting, also, that the St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle NDIS service underwent a significant reaccreditation process in August last year and passed with flying colours with auditors, BSI Group Australia & New Zealand Pty Ltd, recommending recertification to NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
The auditors reviewed all areas including rights and responsibilities, governance and operational management, provision of supports and support provision environment. The auditors interviewed and gained positive feedback from numerous clients and staff. Below is an extract from the Auditor Summary:
A comprehensive suite of policy and procedures, together with a risk management framework that identifies, mitigates and monitors risk, underpins service delivery. The service is committed to providing a quality service with a focus on client safety and quality outcomes. St Agnes Care & Lifestyle provide and monitor staff training and development with appropriate systems and processes in place for recruitment and retention. Review of policies, procedures and interviews with management, staff and participants provides me with a high level of confidence that the provision of service is of a high standard and subject to ongoing monitoring and review. I would like to thank the staff of St Agnes Care & Lifestyle for their time and cooperation.
Congratulations to the staff on the ground who help us meet government compliance requirements and yet serve our residents and clients with such love and care. A big thanks, also, to our Quality and Compliance team who support them in achieving positive outcomes.