MacKillop College acknowledges Sorry Day with Mass

On 26 May, MacKillop College commemorated National Sorry Day with a Mass that allowed staff, students and families to come together to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations survivors and to reflect on how all Australians can play a part in the healing process. The volunteers for the Mass, who were both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students, walked beside each other to bring an incredibly rich and inspiring message of the importance of working together to ensure that everyone in the school community feels valued and respected.

After Communion three of their Year 8 students, being true to the Reconciliation Week theme, were brave enough to share a dance that celebrated their Aboriginal heritage and then after Mass.

Belinda Stewart, one of their Aboriginal Education officers, offered a reflection on what Reconciliation means to her. Here is an excerpt from what she shared:“This year’s theme is ‘Be Brave, Make Change’. Be brave enough to speak up, be brave enough to come together and support one another. If we are brave enough to do those things, you can and will make a positive change. A change for the better, to learn, educate and understand the true meaning of reconciliation and the positive impact it makes in our lives.” Student, Tyler Morris, also shared a reflection encouraging all students to not question the Aboriginal heritage of others based on their skin colour but to ask questions in order to learn more about their heritage and culture.

See more in Port News story

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