National Safe Work Month sees St Agnes’ Catholic Parish launch new safety and wellbeing initiatives
St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is using Safe Work Australia’s ‘National Safe Work Month’ to introduce a number of Safety and Wellbeing initiatives across its service areas.
Taking this year’s theme, ‘Think Safe. Work safe. Be safe’, to heart St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is introducing some new Safety and Wellbeing initiatives including a digital portal to make it easier for staff to report safety issues, a dedicated safety & wellbeing hub on their staff intranet and the establishment of a Safety & Wellbeing committee with representatives from across the organisation.
Peter Johnson, General Manager Risk Compliance & Safety at St Agnes’ Catholic Parish says workplace safety has always been important at the Parish.
“When thinking of safety in the workplace we usually think of the physical things such as trip hazards, however, it is also important to recognise the impact the emotional, psychological and spiritual spheres have on our wellbeing at work,” says Mr Johnson.
“During October, Annalise Bell, our Work, Health & Safety Manager and Jenna Sales, Injury Management Advisor, will be visiting various service areas such as our Aged Care services, Early Childhood Centres and NDIS service, where they will share tips and listen to staff suggestions for creating safe and healthy workplaces,” he added.
For more information about National Safe Work Month visit the Safe Work Australia website.