Our Season of Pastoral Community Renewal
We have commenced a time of renewal for our pastoral community.
The word ‘renewal’ means many things to many people. In this context, it’s not about ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water’ rather it is about finding new ways to acknowledge what we already do and other ways to enhance it.
This is a time to honour and build on the good work of so many faithful stewards (past and present). Through this renewal the Parish seeks to strengthen:
- Opportunities for people to encounter and experience Jesus Christ more deeply
- Pathways to connect with and belong within our pastoral community (centred in the Eucharist as a local expression of our Catholic Church)
- Outreach and support to those beyond our pastoral community, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in both word and deed.
This time of renewal depends on each of us, no matter the role we take on during the process, because God is calling us on to renew our hearts.
Lisa Bright and Richard McMahon from Synodal Consulting, have been engaged to support the Parish with the development and implementation of our Pastoral Community Renewal plan. Relevant information gathered during previous consultations, such as the Pastoral Council Review, Diocesan review and the forums held for the 2022-27 Strategic Plan, has been shared with them and will be considered during the renewal.
Richard and Lisa spent time in our Parish in late September meeting with a range of people, learning about our community, and helping us get ready for our time of renewal.
As part of this time, twenty people who had responded to an invitation in the Parish News, gathered on Wednesday evening (28 September) to hear more about the renewal and to discern their interest in being part of our Parish Renewal Team, in being an Animator or offering other support in other ways.
From this gathering, Fr Paul, Tess Koning, Tony Worner, Lisa Bright, and Richard McMahon (the renewal executive) discerned a diverse team to help coordinate this renewal process. The final make-up of the team combines rich gifts and skills, and ensures connection with youth, parents with smaller children, with our two largest ethnic communities, and across our Mass centres and Mass times.
Along with Tony, Lisa, Richard, and Fr Paul, the members of the Pastoral Renewal Team (PRT) are Annemarie Murphy, Beth Flynn, Chloe Nash, Debbie Rennes, Jim O’Brien, Neethu Augustine, Shane Hyland and Fr Roland Agrisola, Fr Prodencio Bognay,.
The newly formed team will meet for a time of initial formation on Saturday, 29 October.
The role of the Animator is a vital one through which people who are enthusiastic about sharing the message of renewal within their own networks and circles of friends – small or large – receive support and able to get involved in a concrete way at this initial stage. Those who have already expressed interest in being an Animator (and you can still add your name to the list) will receive more information in the coming weeks.
The expressions of interest, support and prayer received so far have been a fantastic endorsement of the community’s desire for renewal. Please pray that will energise us in God’s mission and bring more people to know the love of our God.
If you have any questions or suggestions or would like to support in a particular way, please contact Tony Worner at tony.worner@stagnesparish.org.au