Parish’s learning pathways inspire Tristan to study Nursing
Tristan Cummings, a Care Support worker at Emmaus Home, recently commenced study towards a Bachelor of Nursing degree at Charles Sturt University (CSU).
Here’s the story of how this learning pathway opened up for him.
Since moving to Port Macquarie with his family and starting work at Emmaus in the laundry as an ancillary worker, Tristan has discovered a passion for learning and for the care industry.
After completing his HSC in Sydney, Tristan tried a few different things career-wise. He worked in hospitality; did a course at TAFE in game design; and later began another in Civil Engineering. Like many people, Tristan needed time to find the career path that was right for him. His main priority at that time was just to work, save money and enjoy life.
“When I was still in Sydney, I had thought about getting a job as an orderly in a hospital but didn’t have the chance to explore the idea,” says Tristan.
“When we moved to Port Macquarie, I was looking for work and my stepmum, Millie, said Emmaus had vacancies so I applied, was successful and started work in the laundry in May 2020 – just after the COVID pandemic started and we had the floods,” he adds.
“This is my first time working for a big organisation and it has been such a good experience.”
After working in the laundry for about a year, Tristan was offered the opportunity to participate in a professional development pilot program to build skills and understanding of a new model of care being implemented at Emmaus. Through this program Tristan completed learning modules in First Aid, Hygiene and WHS.
“This learning experience encouraged me to raise my sights and my teachers at JHI [John Henry Institute, the Parish’s RTO 7054] suggested I continue my studies, so I started the Certificate III in Individual Support.”
Tristan completed his Certificate III in just over a year in 2022 and, with the confidence gained through his learning, he began working as a Care Support worker in 2023 and loved it.
“One of the things I like about my work is the opportunity to give individualised care – taking the time to understand new residents, who they are – and building good relationships with residents,” says Tristan.
Two of Tristan’s grand parents live locally, and he says ‘having them has given me a baseline for how I behave and interact with residents. My teachers told me “Look after the residents as if they are my grandparents” and that has been good advice.’
“I am grateful for the encouragement, coaching and support received from colleagues – thanks to them and my teachers at JHI, Karen Crombie and Sue Creech, I have learned so much!” says Tristan.
As a result, Tristan attended an Open Day at CSU and decided to enrol in a Bachelor of Nursing, which he commenced in February 2024.
He is also inspiring his Emmaus colleagues, with other ancillary staff considering taking on studies in Certificate III in Individual Support
As Tristan continues his learning journey, he says his biggest challenge is finding a balance between work, life and study – making the commitment to dedicated study time and having free time to develop his personal and social skills.
“Regardless of the work I do, it’s the people who make the difference – and the people at Emmaus, who have been so welcoming and accepting, are a big part of why I am enjoying the work we do together.”
Tristan appreciates the opportunities St Agnes’ Catholic Parish has offered for professional development and growth since he started work at Emmaus. He doesn’t know where his studies will take him but is happy with his progress so far.