Recovery team connects with Telegraph Point community
The St Agnes’ Catholic Parish Recovery Support Service (RSS) team joined forces with Lifeline, Rotary Sunrise and the Telegraph Point Community Association to do a walk around at Telegraph Point on Saturday 20 November. The purpose of the walk was to check-in with residents of the area still recovering from the devastating effects of the March Floods.
The day, coordinated by the RSS’s Kerry Meehan, was a huge success with the collaborative group splitting into three teams to visit nearly 30 residences during their walkabout. More than half the residents visited took up the team’s offer to have a chat about how the RSS may be able to help with their flood recovery journey.
During the morning the team gave away Morning Tea goodie bags to everyone they chatted with, half a dozen ‘Food 4 Life’ hampers were distributed as well as fuel and food vouchers donated by Rotary Sunrise.
“This event was an amazing team effort between our three services – I can’t thank the team at Rotary Sunrise enough for their support, planning and enthusiasm and Steve and Lauren from Lifeline for all their help,” said Kerry.
“It was great to have an opportunity for all of us to get to know each other and what each service has to offer.”
Julie King (Manager, RSS) commended everyone who gave up their Saturday to support this outreach event and the residents of Telegraph Point for welcoming the team into their community,
“People were really happy to have a chat with us and, with what we learned, it is clear there is still work to do to help the community recover from its ordeal.” said Julie.
A big thank you, also, to the owners of Stoney Aqua Park who allowed the team to use their park as their base for the day and to Agostina’s for the provision of some wraps for lunch at the end of the day.

The team, pictured, had a great day talking to residents of Telegraph Point about their recovery needs. Back Row (L to R): Sherrie Moloney (Recovery Support Service), Sue Pike (Telegraph Point Community Association), Toni Homes (Recovery Support Service), Grant Heaton and Lea Lloyd (both from Rotary Sunrise), Lauren Taylor (Lifeline) and Kerry Meehan (Recovery Support Service) Front Row (L to R): Julie King (Manager, Recovery Support Service) and Stephen Prohm (Lifeline).