Save the date for our next Pastoral Community Renewal Event
21 February 2023
Have fun! Get involved!

Fr Paul’s Pancake Breakfast
Fr Paul is hosting a traditional Pancake breakfast at the BBQ area at the Parish Administration Centre from 6.30-8.00am. Drop in for a while if you can. To help with catering give the Pastoral Office a call to let them know you’re coming.
Our schools are loving Pancake Day
Our Parish Schools (St Peter’s, St Joseph’s and St Agnes’ Primary Schools and St Joseph’s Regional, MacKillop and Newman Senior Technical Colleges) are each getting involved in their own way. Some examples: Pancake Morning teas, fundraising for Caritas, BYO picnics with a side of pancake, learning about the history of Shrove Tuesday, student hospitality to others, pancake relays and pancake flipping competitions. To find more check with your child’s school!
Residential Care Pancake Morning Teas
At St Agnes Care and Lifestyle, our residents at St Agnes’ House, Maryknoll, Mt Carmel, and Emmaus
will be celebrating at the various sites with a traditional pancake morning tea.
Sharing the fun with photos
If you’re celebrating Pancake Day in any way, whether involved at a family, parish, school, Aged Care, Preschool or Day Care event we’d love to see the fun you had! Upload Pancake Celebration photos to the Parish’s Facebook page or your own social media (or email it to the Pastoral Office) using one of the following hashtags: #StAgnesCatholicParish #SACPPancakeDay #LivingHopeSACP23
Please let us know if you’re hosting or would like to be involved in our Shrove Tuesday celebrations on 21 February by contacting the Pastoral Office on 6583 1024 or Tony Worner (tony.worner@stagnesparish.org.au)