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St Joseph’s Regional College students participate in Vinnies School Sleepout

St Joseph’s Regional College hosted the Vinnies School Sleepout on August 31 which saw 43 students sleeping in cardboard shelters outdoors for the night.

Not only did it raise awareness of youth homelessness in Port Macquarie, according to leader of evangelisation at Regional Timo Gobius, it raised more than $1700 for St Vincent de Paul.

Participants were provided with a dinner, consisting of soup and bread, and breakfast of fruit donated by local grocers.

The sleepout allowed students to connect on a personal level with the issue of homelessness. A cardboard house building competition was the only light-hearted event of the evening.

The event provides just a glimpse into what life is like for people facing homelessness in Australia.

“They all camped under the awning outdoors for the night,” Mr Gobius said.

“We had a team from McCosker House who spoke about the effect of homelessness in Port Macquarie, particularly in kids and what it meant to mental health issues, lack of education and other issues.

“The students were engaged in the talk. They were really involved in all of the activities.”

An out of uniform day hosted by the school supported the sleep-out’s fundraising efforts.

“MacKillop college students came across and they will also have funds for Vinnies when their fundraising is complete,” he said.

“It is a great outcome. It’s also great to raise awareness among our kids in Port Macquarie and challenges them to become involved and do something about it.

“Already several students have expressed interest in becoming mentors at McCosker house and becoming more involved to make a difference.”

Just $15 provides a day provides meals for a family struggling to put food on the table, while $30 provides someone a bed for a night in one of St Vincent de Paul’s crisis accommodation services

A $50 donation provides school supplies and excursion fees for a child experiencing disadvantage while $80 provides a life skills course including cooking, job interview preparation or computer skills at TAFE.

Story and Photo courtesy of Port News

Vinnies Sleep Out

Out in the cold: St Joseph’s Regional College hosted the Vinnies School Sleepout on August 31. 

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