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St Peter’s Primary School students help the homeless with donations

Year six students at St Peter’s Primary have had hands-on experience helping the many homeless people in the community.

The school’s social justice group, comprised of 14 students, selected the Port Macquarie Youth Hub’s Community Outreach Program to support during term two.

Alice McGrath, year six teacher at St Peter’s, said initially the students intended to line the perimeter of the basketball court with soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and other items the everyday person takes for granted.

“But we were overwhelmed with the support and ended up with over 2,600 products to donate,” Ms McGrath said.

“The students were very excited, especially as it was a competition between classes, to realise what they have done and how it will help the community.”

Youth Hub manager Mick Gilmore said the student’s huge effort has provided “a fair bit of dignity and support” to those who really need it in the town.

“We have thousands of items that are in high demand from disadvantaged people and the efforts of the school will support that,” he said.

“Now that the word is starting to get out about the help available for these people, we are seeing more people coming to us for help. Don’t underestimate how many people do need a little helping hand.

“People have come to us and broken down in tears because we can help them. It’s pretty special.”

St Peter's Primary Social Justice team

Helping hand: Students Patrik Markovic, Jaz Bruce, Josh Bell, Melesse Mallyan and Emily Woolfe with Youth Hub manager Mick Gilmore.
Photo story courtesy of Port News

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