Students infuse hope for flood victims by fun and colour
Year 6 students from St Peter’s Primary School organised a colour dress up and fun activities day for the school on Wednesday 16 March, to raise funds for flood victims in the Lismore Diocese.
Students were invited to come out of school uniform and dress up in ‘rainbow colours’ in exchange for gold coin donations. There were a variety of stalls on the day such as footy passing, making bracelets, biscuit decorating, hairspray and nail polish for all students to visit and participate in, with prices for these stalls will vary from 50c- $2 and over $3000 was raised from the day.
Rebecca Cameron, the Assistant Principal in Religious Education said, “the response by staff, students and families were overwhelmingly positive with well over $3000 raised for flood-affected victims. When we follow Jesus, we care for others and the St Peter’s community have truly epitomised this in their generosity.”
Principal Geoff Leary noted multiple students saying ‘keep the change’ rather than receiving change back from their gold coins and notes used to participate in the activities.
“The children were more concerned about giving rather than getting and that is to be commended” Geoff affirmed.
“The kids have been so organised and really enthusiastic about organising the activities. They have truly taken ownership of the event”, commented Year 6 teacher, Kyrah Dal Santo.