Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

Technology enables ‘contact-free’ giving

In pre-covid times, passing the plate at Mass was a symbol of communal giving and charity within parishes across the nation and the world. Now, with the need to protect the health and safety of our whole community paramount, many parishes (including St Agnes’ Parish), have turned to technology to enable those who wish to give, to do so with safety, security and convenience.

Apart from its online Parish Giving portal, St Agnes’ parish has introduced a secure ‘TapnGo’ Device for donations, which is operational at all masses in Christ the King Chapel. When St Agnes’ church reopens this facility will be available at the church entrance.

All donations received via TapnGo contribute to the second collection, replacing the loose cash previously placed on the second collection. They do not replace what is usually given via the numbered planned giving envelopes each Sunday.

Each ‘TapnGo’ transaction automatically processes one $10 donation. Should you wish to donate more than $10, you would have to slowly tap the device once for each multiple of $10 you wished to donate; for example if you wanted to give $30, you would tap the device, slowly, three times.

All donations received go towards Parish expenses and works that help us to continue in our Parish Vision of ‘Everything is to be oriented towards the praise and glory of God.’

Please note, these donations are not tax deductible and no receipts are issued.

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