Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

Have you ever heard the expression Easter people?

It is something often said about Christians.

Have you ever wondered what that looks like and how we, as Christians, can be Easter people?

In the scriptures it talks about the way of life of people in the time of the apostles and even then, they were Easter people. In the Acts of the Apostles it says, “there was no needy person among them” (Acts 4:34). Those who had more property and wealth liquidated their assets and gave the money to the apostles to distribute to those in need. This may be a surprise to our 21st-century selves, but nonetheless true. This is exactly what we are trying to do now, look out for those in need.

There are Easter people in our parish whose faithfulness inspires us. They are the ones who trust the Spirit’s presence, even in the midst of the adversity which is being brought about by Covid 19.

Let’s try to be people who live the spirit of Easter. Easter people do not dawdle around waiting to be called on to help or only looking out for themselves but they live as active witnesses to faith. (Acts 1:11).

The Easter season doesn’t end with eggs on Sunday 

The Easter season lasts forty days, just as Lent did! Easter officially ends on the feast of the Ascension, traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, thus making up exactly forty days.

On the Sundays of the Easter season, the readings at Mass tell us about Christ’s appearances to his disciples following his resurrection. The miracle of his Resurrection is at the heart of our faith, and we can say with St Thomas: “My Lord and my God.”

It is customary not to say “Alleluia!” from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Then, all through the Easter season “Alleluia!” is said in the liturgy of the Mass.

At the moment we are unable to be physically together to say this “Alleluia!”, but we are being led by our Priests, Fr Paul and Fr Peter in daily reflection and join in this song of praise spiritually.

There are many ways to connect digitally with our liturgical celebrations in this difficult time of Covid 19. We encourage you to take advantage of all of the opportunities presented in our parish newsletter.

For now let’s sing out “Alleluia!” loud and clear, as we have not said “Alleluia!” since the beginning of Lent. Let’s say “Alleluia!” with joy as we share the blessings of this Easter Season.

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