Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

Wellbeing Forums in our Villages

Village Voice

In September, our villages are hosting “Wellbeing Forums”, which are dedicated to providing help and advice on the aspects of life faced by the members of our community.

These forums provide information on the services we offer to ensure the financial, social and emotional wellbeing of our residents. Key staff and subject matter experts will be available to answer questions on a number of our services that we provide in the villages.

This will include the way Catholic Care of the Aged (CCA) helps you access government support such as Home Care or NDIS and a showcase of the great services and support we provide to residents. Attendees will also have the opportunity to chat with existing residents who already live in our village communities.

The forums provide the opportunity to visit our newly refurbished villas surrounded by lovely gardens in our very open village spaces. Our residents often tell us that being part of our villages is not only about the quality of the accommodation or the support that CCA provides, but it is importantly about the welcoming and caring nature of the community in which they live. Of course, the families and friends of prospective residents are welcome to attend the forums too.

We understand it is important for families to be involved in the decisionmaking process, to see first-hand how CCA brings lifestyle and community together.

The Wellbeing Forums will be held at the Tenison Woods Centre in Lochinvar Place, Port Macquarie. They commence from 9am on Wednesday 18th September for St Agnes Village and from 9am on Thursday 19th September at Lourdes Village. Registrations are essential and can be made by calling 5525 3600 or visiting Donnelly House in Horton Street, Port Macquarie or by emailing

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