Youth Hub helps turn Jake’s life around
Growing up was tough for 19 year old Jake Donohue.
A difficult home life contributed to serious mental health issues.
Jake felt he had lost all hope, until he found a connection to community, and a future for himself, through the Youth Hub.
“I grew up in a hostile environment, moved around a bit, attended lots of schools and my mental health was not good because of the situation at home,” says Jake.
“I stopped going to school in Year 9, stopped eating, withdrew from my friends, and only had rare chats to my mother and brother.”
“My mother urged me to seek help for my mental health issues, which, thankfully, I did.”
“In 2015, after my counselling finished, I moved to Port Macquarie.”
Jake experienced homelessness before he and his family moved into a refuge. Then Westport High suggested Jake attend a learning centre run from the Youth Hub (by Andrew Lord), which he reluctantly did.
“I didn’t show up on the first day but managed to go the next.”
“I am so glad I did, ever since, the Port Macquarie Youth Hub has saved my life.”
Jake often ended up spending time, outside the hours of his learning program, at the Youth Hub.
“I started to feel safe and positive so I challenged myself to get out of bed every day to go to the Hub”.
Jake completed his Learning Centre program and then set himself the goal of completing Year 12.
“I did, in fact sit for my HSC in 2016, and attended my Graduation, with a tear in my eye, I thought how much I have gained… accomplishments I never thought possible,” reflects Jake.
“I thank God I had the courage to walk into the Youth Hub that day to meet Michael, Jayson and, my teacher, Andrew – I owe them so much!”
Jake still visits the Youth Hub regularly, volunteering, both there, and at other local organisations.
Jake has found employment at Kmart and is looking forward to the future. He is heading to New Zealand for a leadership course in November 2018.
As Jake proudly says, “The Port Macquarie Youth Hub changed me from what I once was to what I am now.”

Jayson Corr & Jake at the Youth Hub