St Agnes' Parish cross

Our Catholic Identity

The logo depicts a lamb resting on the book of scriptures and flying the martyr’s flag of triumph. Very prominent in the background is the cross of Jesus Christ.

Capturing the spirit of St Agnes, the lamb evokes emotions of kindness, friendship and love whilst symbolising a commitment to be steadfast in faithful service, just as Saint Agnes did. As the lamb proudly flies the martyr’s flag of triumph, we too are encouraged to retain courage and commitment in our faithful service.

The cross of Jesus Christ symbolises the epitome of love and self-sacrifice, ‘greater love has no man, than that he lay down his life for his people’ John 15:13.

The logo in its entirety symbolises a courageous commitment to serve as Disciples of Christ in celebration of the full spectrum of life.

With You For Life

“With You for Life” represents the Parish’s commitment to its Catholic parishioners and the broader community.

St Agnes’ Parish has long been successful in identifying a need in the community and providing a service to fulfil that need. It is an approach that remains at the heart of the Parish, true to its Values and striving towards achieving its Catholic mission in the image of Jesus: “Service of all, particularly those in need”.

The statement “With You for Life” encapsulates the Parish’s commitment to its Catholic ethos in serving the local community across the whole human life span. Through: Baptisms; early childhood education; primary education including the Sacraments of Communion, Penance and Confirmation; secondary and vocational education; building a family through the Sacraments of Marriage and Baptism; through to retirement living; aged care; the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick; and support at the loss of a loved one.

The commitment of St Agnes’ Parish to support its community is unwavering for more than 140 years. Touching 14,000 lives every day in the local community, the staff, volunteers and parishioners of St Agnes’ Parish are “With You for Life” through all its ups and downs to ensure no-one need ever feel alone.

St Agnes' Parish - With You for Life