Our Values
Our Values
Our Values form a culture that is uniquely St Agnes’ Catholic Parish. The six Parish Values, below, have their foundation in the Gospel and guide the behaviour of the people of our Parish:
Nourished by Faith
Christ is at the heart of all we do at St Agnes’ Catholic Parish. With head, heart and hands and in a spirit of humility, we reach out to all on life’s journey, seeking to be the face of Christ in the daily life of our community. With faith as our foundation, we find hope and strength in every situation. By celebrating our faith, we share the joy of Christ with those around us, which in turn helps us deepen our own faith.
Uncompromising Integrity
At St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, we believe in being honest, ethical, fair and transparent. We lead by example, accept responsibility and hold ourselves accountable for doing what is right. We are committed to those who entrust themselves to us. We perform ordinary, everyday tasks to the best of our ability, knowing that God always sees the love with which we do them.
Empowered to Excellence
At St Agnes’ Catholic Parish we believe God wants us to excel in both who we are and in what we do. We demonstrate this by striving for excellence and empowering others to do the same, using our gifts and talents to give Him glory. We promote active and positive relationships that enable each person to reach their full potential. We embrace opportunities to grow and improve spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially.
Service before Self
At St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, the very essence of who we are compels us to minister to and for others. Guided by the Spirit, we welcome and accept people wherever they are on their journey and respond to their needs accordingly. We act with respect, kindness, courtesy, humility and compassion to all. Just as Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, we, too, are called to serve others.
Courageous Stewardship
At St Agnes’ Catholic Parish we take responsibility for all that has been entrusted to us by those who came before us and seek to preserve and enhance it for the benefit of those who will come after us. We are committed to using and developing our resources in responsible, productive and sustainable ways that bring justice to Christ’s people and planet.
United as ‘One Body’
At St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, we are united as the People of God. We have a common purpose and Vision – ‘everything oriented to the praise and glory of God’. We form community through the support, inspiration and collective strength of our relationships with each other and with God. We nurture this community by creating a sense of welcome, belonging, safety and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect. We operate in a spirit of inclusiveness, accepting each other’s differences, so that together we achieve much for the common good.