Previous News Articles

Previous News Articles2022-12-01T10:54:50+10:00

Pancake Breakfast even better than last year!

Pancake Breakfast even better than last year! The Parish’s second annual pancake breakfast built on the success of last year’s. Around 60 people and a cat named ‘Faith’ gathered on Shrove Tuesday (13/2) for the 2nd annual pancake breakfast in the Parish BBQ area behind the Parish Administration Building. Some faces were familiar, still others were new [...]

February 14th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Homelessness Collective receives Australia Day award for ‘Our Place’

Homelessness Collective receives Australia Day award for ‘Our Place’ The Port Macquarie Hastings Homelessness Collective, of which the Parish’s Youth & Community Hub is part, was named ‘Community Group of the Year’ at this year’s Australia Day award. The ceremony held at the Glasshouse on Friday 26 January 2024. Port Macquarie Hastings Homelessness Collective is a coalition [...]

February 7th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Alive with the Spirit, school staff mark the ‘Beginning of the Year’ with Mass

Alive with the Spirit, school staff mark the ‘Beginning of the Year’ with Mass St Agnes’ Catholic Church was buzzing with the energy and enthusiasm of the Spirit as staff from our six parish schools gathered on Tuesday afternoon (30 January 2024) to celebrate the commencement of their year with their annual Beginning of Year Staff Mass. [...]

January 31st, 2024|

‘Service before self’ is value in focus for 2024

‘Service before self’ is value in focus for 2024 Last Sunday (21 January) on the feast of our Parish’s patron saint, St Agnes, at Masses in churches and chapels throughout the Parish ‘Service before Self’ was launched as our Value in Focus for 2024. In December each year the Parish Priest (Fr Paul) and CEO (Tony Leahy) [...]

January 24th, 2024|

College opens its doors to industry and community for Skills Challenge Day

  College opens its doors to industry and community for Skills Challenge Day Newman Senior Technical College held a Skills Challenge Day on November 24 with the dual purpose of enabling students to engage with industry and the community as well as providing an opportunity for industry to connect with the College’s unique way of learning. Apart [...]

December 18th, 2023|

Retreat participants take time to reflect on their personal relationship with God

Retreat participants take time to reflect on their personal relationship with God The sun was shining and the wind gusting as an enthusiastic group of around 60 gathered for the St Agnes’ Catholic Parish Retreat at the Junior Campus of MacKillop College in Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie, on Sunday 12 November 2023. Facilitated by Richard McMahon and [...]

November 23rd, 2023|

The Saints were living, breathing people, just like us!

The Saints were living, breathing people, just like us! Fr Paul Gooley’s All Saints Day homily for 2023 Something you may not know is that the church has a list of Saints that is called the ‘General Roman Calendar’. It is a list of each day of the year and on what days we celebrate the life of [...]

November 1st, 2023|

Parishioners hear first-hand about Catholic Mission Programs

Parishioners hear first-hand about Catholic Mission Programs For World Mission Sunday on 22 October the Parish hosted a special visit by Catholic Mission. Lou Wallace, Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission, spoke briefly at each Mass to thank parishioners for their past support and shared a video about this year’s appeal which focusses on supporting the work of the [...]

October 26th, 2023|

Students celebrate achievements at JHI Graduation

Students celebrate achievements at JHI Graduation Fifty-five students of the John Henry Institute (JHI) gathered with their families and staff at St Agnes’ Catholic Parish Hall on Thursday 19 October to celebrate the completion of study at the JHI Graduation ceremony for 2023. JHI has significant experience in providing quality vocational education and training, that is compliant with [...]

October 25th, 2023|

Ignite Youth Conference fans the fire of faith

Ignite Youth Conference fans the fire of faith Five young adults, 59 students and13 staff members from St Joseph’s Regional College and MacKillop College, attended the four-day Ignite Conference in Brisbane on the 21-24 September. Zac Parnell, Youth Coordinator at St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, who accompanied the group, describes Ignite as an Annual Catholic Youth Conference where young people [...]

October 18th, 2023|

Parish Secretaries & Pastoral Associates follow in Mary MacKillop’s footsteps

Parish Secretaries & Pastoral Associates follow in Mary MacKillop’s footsteps Parish Secretaries and Pastoral Associates from across Lismore Diocese gathered in Bonny Hills on 9-10 October for their annual conference, themed ‘In the footsteps of St Mary MacKillop’. The 17 delegates from parishes between Kingscliff and Camden Haven, found the tranquil beauty of The Francis Retreat in Bonny Hills [...]

October 18th, 2023|
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