“Never see a need without doing something about it” – St Mary of the Cross
St Agnes’ Catholic Parish has had a long history of engaging volunteers and to this day they continue to play a vital role in our many ministry and service areas which are greatly enriched by the generosity and dedication of these wonderful people.
The benefits of volunteering in our parish are many. It nurtures a feeling of belonging, fosters spiritual growth, and contributes to personal fulfilment. Through volunteering experiences, you can develop valuable skills, uncover a greater sense of purpose, and build meaningful relationships. Very importantly, your actions as a volunteer can generate much positivity, bringing joy and support to our parish community and those you help.
Regardless of your age or expertise there’s sure to be a volunteer role in St Agnes’ Catholic Parish that will suit your gifts, interests, and busy schedule.
If you would like to become involved in our parish by sharing your time and talents, we would love to hear from you. We invite you to submit an expression of interest in joining our amazing team of volunteers, in any of our many areas below. Full training and support will be provided.
Volunteering Opportunities
There are various opportunities for volunteers to be involved in the parish, including:
Liturgical Ministries
Roles to assist the priest throughout the celebration of the Mass include:
Altar server, sacristan, reader, commentator, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (inc. homes and hospitals), Children’s Liturgy leader, music ministers …
Hospitality and Pastoral Ministries
Roles to build community, to assist people to connect with the parish community, to nurture faith and spirituality and to assist the needy include:
Welcomer, catering coordinator, warden, Care and Concern and Christmas Hamper groups
Youth Ministry
Roles to support youth and young adults to know God’s Word, develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and become active in the church community include:
Youth leader and assistant (various responsibilities)
Aged Care
Roles to assist residents to enjoy their lifestyle and wellbeing activities include:
Barista, library assistant, events helper, activities support [arts and crafts, gardening], cinema operator, driver to transport residents.
Roles to support the spiritual and emotional needs of residents include:
Communion and memorial service leader, visitation, activities/group support, bus driver, clerical administration.
School and Early Education
Roles to assist staff to provide learning support for children of various ages and maintain healthy, safe, and attractive school environments include:
Canteen helper, craft assistant, lunchtime club assistant, exam guide, industry skills assistant, mini-bus driver, furniture restorer, learning and play assistants, administrative assistant.

Emmaus Village
Express your interest today for life – changing, spirit lifting volunteer opportunities at Emmaus Village, opening March 2024.
Find out more today by visiting EmmausVillage.org.au
Or call (02) 8201 1000
Volunteer With Us
Please contact us to discuss volunteering opportunities.
You can register your interest by contacting;
Volunteer Coordinator
Human Resources
02 6588 7444
Alternatively, you may Express your interest by clicking the register now button below, and our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you.