Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

People just keep coming back to The Francis Retreat

The Francis Retreat in Bonny Hills is celebrating another successful summer season as, year after year, families and community organisations keep coming back to this picturesque location.
During school terms the retreat is kept busy with groups of students visiting for camps and excursions. The summer holidays are equally busy, albeit, with a slight change of pace as new and returning visitors come to The Francis Retreat to relax and enjoy time reconnecting in its beautiful natural setting.
Mansfield family
The Mansfield Family, for example, has been holidaying at The Francis Retreat since 1972, when the Methodist Church owned and cared for the site.  The five generations of Mansfields returned again on Boxing Day for summer holidays, the earlier generations are people who volunteered and built some of the first buildings at The Francis Retreat.
Pictured in this year’s annual family photo are Noel and Alma Mansfield, and their immediate family. Noel and Alma are now in their 80’s, and this year celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary.
Bonny Hills Art Exhibition and Sale
For the third year in a row St Agnes’ Catholic Parish – The Francis Retreat is a Major Sponsor of the Bonny Hills Art Exhibition and Sale, a wonderful community event.  This year 394 pieces of art were exhibited with over 900 people visiting the Retreat to view the show and art sale.
This year also saw the expansion of the ‘Children as Artists Workshops’, which were booked out every day.
Congratulations to the local Bonny Hills Progress Association who worked hard for months to bring this five-day event to the local area.
St Agnes Catholic Parish is proud to sponsor and support this event. Each year we have recognised a theme with the last three ‘Best Work in Exhibition’ winners:
2023 – The Sacred Cloth by Gwen Roberts
2024 – El Santo Caliz (The Holy Chalice) by Gwen Roberts
2025 – Promised Land by Sharon Lees
As we come to the end of the holiday season, The Francis Retreat is already looking forward to welcoming the Newcastle Knights, SG Ball and Harold Matts Squads for their pre-season camp and trial games in early 2025.

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