Parish Staff Gather – United as One Body

Around 130 staff gathered at the MacKillop College Senior Campus Hall for the ‘Working Together – United as One Body’ event last Thursday afternoon (4 February). The event provided staff with an opportunity to connect more deeply with the vision, mission, and values of our Parish and to understand how the work we do helps us live Christ’s mission in our world.

Fr Paul Gooley (Parish Priest), Adam Spencer (CEO) and Tony Worner (Leader of Lay Formation) each delivered inspiring sessions. Fr Paul took us up in a drone, rising above our work as individuals to that of the Parish, rising further to Diocesan and National level, and finally to showing our connection to the Universal Church.

Adam’s session focussed on how and why we plan strategically, through our organisation’s structure and activities, to meet the needs of the community within the framework of our Vision, Mission and Values.

Tony spoke about the connection between Christ’s Mission, which was to reveal God’s love on earth and our Parish Vision, Mission and Values, which encourage us to the face of Christ to those around us.

The afternoon closed with a social gathering that enabled staff to learn more about each other’s work within the Parish family.

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