
Jesus chose to walk

Jesus chose to walk A short reflection on the Ascension by Sr Anne Hannigan RSM I think perhaps it is no small thing that Christ – even in his resurrected form – chose to spend his last days walking on terra firma with his friends and family. Often in the scriptures, (the Gospels) we read of Jesus [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:19+10:00May 20th, 2020|

The Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus As we move towards the end of the Easter Season, with the Feast of Pentecost on 31 May, it is appropriate to be reminded of, and to celebrate, the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). This story known as the Road to Emmaus or the Walk to Emmaus [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:24+10:00May 13th, 2020|

Pastoral Care during COVID-19

Pastoral Care during COVID-19 The St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle Pastoral Care team has done an amazing job adapting the way they are working at the Parish’s residential aged care services during COVID-19 restrictions. During COVID each member of the Pastoral Care team has been assigned a particular area. Beth Anderson and Paul Smith work in Emmaus; [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:29+10:00May 13th, 2020|

‘April Falls’ day fun

'April Falls' day fun Residential Aged Care services, Homecare and NDIS staff across St Agnes' Care and Lifestyle participated in “April Falls” Prevention day on 30 April 2020. The purpose of the day was to raise awareness of falls prevention and to help educate those most at risk of falling in ways to stay on their feet. [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:32+10:00May 6th, 2020|

Enquiries about new admissions welcome

Enquiries about new admissions welcome Despite the changing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, our Catholic Care of the Aged services - Residential Care, Respite Care, Home Care and Independent Villages - remain operational, taking new admissions, welcoming and supporting individuals and their families at their time of need. As always the health, safety and wellbeing of our residents, clients, team [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:34+10:00May 5th, 2020|

Plan underway for students’ return to St Agnes’ Parish classrooms

Plan underway for students’ return to St Agnes’ Parish classrooms St Agnes’ Parish primary school and secondary college students will begin to return to school classrooms in a staged approach from Monday, 11 May. Coordinating Executive Officer for St Agnes’ Parish Education, Stephen Pares, says St Agnes’ Catholic Parish schools had worked with the Catholic Schools Office [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:37+10:00May 4th, 2020|

Have you ever heard the expression Easter people?

Have you ever heard the expression Easter people? It is something often said about Christians. Have you ever wondered what that looks like and how we, as Christians, can be Easter people? In the scriptures it talks about the way of life of people in the time of the apostles and even then, they were Easter people. [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:44+10:00April 22nd, 2020|

Tales ‘from the other side’

Tales ‘from the other side’ Our amazing residents at Emmaus are making the best of the COVID Lockdown. As one resident said… ‘We will not be beaten!’ Many residents enjoyed laughs and a few giggles having their photo taken to send a message ‘From the other side’ to their families and friends, who are thrilled to see [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:50+10:00April 22nd, 2020|

Local partnership delivers care packages to those in need

Local partnership delivers care packages to those in need St Agnes’ Catholic Parish has teamed up with Hastings Co-op to provide care packages to those in the local community who have been impacted by the environment caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19). “The health warnings and social distancing brought on by COVID-19 combined with the scarcity of grocery items [...]

2022-12-06T09:47:52+10:00April 15th, 2020|

Parish reaches out to the faithful during Holy Week

Parish reaches out to the faithful during Holy Week Even though the doors of its churches and chapels are closed, St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is using a mix of tradition and technology to encourage people in their faith at Easter and during the COVID19 lockdown. Parish Priest of St Agnes’ Parish, Fr Paul Gooley, says the Parish [...]

2022-12-06T09:54:48+10:00April 9th, 2020|
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