
New Learning spaces officially opened at St Joseph’s Primary School

New Learning spaces officially opened at St Joseph's Primary School New learning spaces at St Joseph’s Primary School support contemporary learning. The new learning spaces were officially opened on July 4 after which Student Representative Council members and special guests guided parish priest Father Paul Gooley as he blessed the new learning spaces and extended playgrounds. Eight [...]

2018-07-25T09:22:08+10:00July 5th, 2018|

Pop-up soup cafes support dementia program

Pop-up soup cafes support dementia program Buy winter warming soups from pop-up soup cafes and do your bit to support a dementia-friendly garden. People are encouraged to head to the pop-up soup cafes between noon and 2pm on July 2 at the Port Macquarie CWA Rooms (Town Green), July 3 at the Laurieton School of Arts Hall [...]

2018-08-17T14:50:54+10:00June 29th, 2018|

Big celebrations at St Peter’s Primary, Port Macquarie as new buildings officially open

Big celebrations at St Peter's Primary, Port Macquarie as new buildings officially open There was a flurry of activity at St Peter’s Primary in Port Macquarie on June 26 at the official opening of their completed stage three building works. Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams and Most Reverend Bishop Gregory Homeming, Bishop of Lismore were on hand [...]

2018-07-25T09:25:13+10:00June 25th, 2018|

Great WorldSkills results for Newman Technical College

Great WorldSkills results for Newman Technical College Newman Senior Technical College has continued its long history of success in Worldskills Competitions with an outstanding performance at ‘Skillshow Australia 2018’ which was held in Sydney 4-6 June at the International Convention Centre (ICC) Darling Harbour. This major event included the WorldSkills National Championships which drew competitors from all states of [...]

2018-07-24T11:37:36+10:00June 5th, 2018|

Newman’s First Apprentice Chef Excelling in the Kitchen

Neman's First Apprentice Chef Excelling in the Kitchen HOSPITALITY student Kyle Maslen was preparing to graduate from Newman Senior Technical College when he was handed a golden opportunity. During a lunch service in 2017 the school's hospitality teacher, Charles James, pulled Kyle aside and offered him a four year contract with the school, three of those as [...]

2018-07-25T09:28:06+10:00May 28th, 2018|

Volunteers make a world of difference

Volunteers make a world of difference As part of National Volunteers Week, 21-27 May 2018, St Agnes’ Parish thanked its volunteers at a special Recognition Mass held on Wednesday 23 May St Agnes’ Catholic Church in Hay Street. The Mass, concelebrated by Father Paul Gooley and Father Peter Wood, embraced the national theme ‘Give a little, change a lot” [...]

2018-07-24T11:38:24+10:00May 25th, 2018|

NESA meets in historic first meeting outside Sydney

NESA meets in historic first meeting outside Sydney sourced from Port News: Newman Technical College hosted the first regional meeting of the board of the NSW Education Standards Authority on May 21 and 22. NESA is responsible for the implementing of education policy within NSW and works closely with the state government. The authority regularly meets with the [...]

2018-07-24T11:39:21+10:00May 22nd, 2018|

“Focus on Ability” Short film Festival

“Focus on Ability” Short film Festival One of the standout performers from Bago Magic is set to star in a short film which will be entered in the 10th annual Focus On Ability short film festival. Brendan Hall will be front and centre in the five minute short film. He is best known for his starring performances with Bago [...]

2018-07-24T11:40:14+10:00April 30th, 2018|

Anzac Day 2018: Elizabeth Pike’s address focuses on youth

Anzac Day 2018: Elizabeth Pike’s address focuses on youth St Josephs Regional College school captain Elizabeth Pike gave the address at the Anzac Day March Service. This is her speech: Returned and active service men and women Robert E. Lee, the Confederate General of the American Civil War, once wrote: “A nation which does not remember what it was [...]

2018-07-24T11:20:16+10:00April 26th, 2018|

Papal Honour for ‘Father D’ as Port Macquarie Parish says Farewell

Papal Honour for ‘Father D' as Port Macquarie Parish says Farewell Gratitude and good-wishes flowed for retiring parish priest Fr Leo Donnelly, who was presented a major Papal Award by Lismore Bishop Greg Homeming at a Mass held at St Agnes’ Parish on March 23. The same Mass installed the new parish priest, Fr Paul Gooley. The Croce Pro [...]

2018-07-24T11:24:42+10:00March 23rd, 2018|
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