Family reading St Agnes' Parish news

Celebrate Palm Sunday with this symbolic gesture

Parishioners of St Agnes’ Catholic Parish are finding new ways to celebrate faith during the Coronavirus lockdown with Parish Priest, Fr Paul Gooley, encouraging the faithful to mark their home with a palm frond to celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend.

Palm Sunday traditionally marks the beginning of Holy Week, the high point in the Catholic Church’s year, and is an important day in the Church’s calendar.
“The temporary closure of our churches and chapels means we won’t be able to celebrate Palm Sunday the way we usually do so we are being proactive in finding ways to reach out not only to our Parishioners but also to the wider community during this challenging time,” says Fr Paul.

“For example, as a sign of unity in our isolation, we are joining with others around the world in celebrating Palm Sunday by displaying a frond or piece of palm at the front of our homes, in a window, on a door or letterbox,” says Fr Paul.

“This is a great way to show solidarity with our community, generally, and especially for our Catholic community to proclaim the beginning of Holy Week,” he added.

Fr Paul has recorded a video for Palm Sunday Mass, which will be shared on Sunday morning (5 April) on Facebook and be accessible on the Parish’s ‘With You for Life’ video channel (Just search ‘Palm Sunday Mass’).

He is also producing a short Gospel Reflection video each day, which is released in a similar way.

Planning is also underway for him to record Holy Thursday Mass, the Stations of the Cross and the Easter Vigil and to make them available in a similar way.

Channel 7 is also broadcasting free-to-air Masses from St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney on Good Friday (3pm) and Easter Sunday (10.30am) so Catholics around Australia can continue to celebrate their faith.

People can join the Parish email distribution list to receive these and other Parish communications via their website ( or by contacting the St Agnes’ Catholic Parish via its Pastoral Office on 02 6583 1024.

Twelve-year old Sophie Bryant gets ready to put a palm out to celebrate Palm Sunday (5 April).

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