FAITH RESOURCES Nourishing Faith Visit our online faith resources for Gospel
reflections, prayers, and articles about our
Catholic faith traditions
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SPECIAL APPEALS Parish Giving Sharing what we have is part of our Catholic
tradition – donate now to help those impacted
by flooding in our local area.
St Agnes' Catholic Parish - Special Appeals

Mass and Reconciliation Times:

Below are our Mass and Reconciliation times. Please note, there are occasions when these times are subject to change – our weekly Parish Newsletter is the best place to check for any variations (click red ‘Parish Newsletter’ button below to see the latest edition).

Weekday Masses

St Agnes Church

Monday – No Mass

9.30am or 11.00am Residential Aged Care only.
12.05pm Weekday Mass

9.30am St Francis of Assisi Chapel
6.00pm St Bernard’s Church

12.05pm St Agnes’ Catholic Church.
4.30pm Christ the King Chapel.

12.05pm St Agnes’ Catholic Church

Weekend Masses

5.00pm (6.00pm Daylight Saving) Vigil Mass at St Mary Star of the Sea, Ocean Drive, Lake Cathie.

7.30am St Agnes’ Catholic Church
9.00am St Agnes’ Catholic Church
5.00pm St Agnes’ Catholic Church


11.30am – 12noon – St Agnes’ Catholic Church

11.30am-12.30pm – St Agnes’ Catholic Church

Please continue to be mindful and respectful of each other and do not attend if you are unwell or have any cold/flu-like symptoms. Any questions please contact the Pastoral Office on 6583 1024.

Below are links to opportunities for spiritual communion through Gospel Reflections, recorded and live streamed Masses:

Lismore Diocese
Sunday 9.00am – Live streamed with our Bishop Greg Homeming as celebrant

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne
Daily Mass 1.00pm – Live streamed daily (Monday to Friday) and then available as a recording on demand until one hour prior to the next 1.00pm Mass.
Sunday Mass
Sundays 11.00am Mass – Live streamed and then available as a recording on demand

St Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane
Sunday 10.00am from the Cathedral

Daily Mass on Demand
Accessible via Youtube


“The Sacraments are the manifestation of the Father’s tenderness and love towards each of us.” – Pope Francis

At significant moments in our lives the Church offers us rituals using words and actions and symbols that lead us into the very heart of the mystery of God. These rituals are known as the sacraments.

Let the little children come to me; do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.
Mark 10:14

Baptism is the first of three Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church, the other two being Confirmation and Eucharist. Through Baptism we are incorporated into the body of Christ.

Baptism is celebrated by the pouring of water with the words: “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.

Parents who ask to have their children baptised accept the responsibility of practicing the faith and supporting them in their journey as disciples of Jesus.

Parents of children aged 0-6 years are required to attend a preparation session prior to their child’s baptism. These sessions are conducted monthly at 5.30pm in St Agnes’ Catholic Church on the following dates in 2025:

Date Time
24 April 2025 5.30PM
22 May 2025 5.30PM
26 June 2025 5.30PM
24 July 2025 5.30PM
28 August 2025 5.30PM
25 September 2025 5.30PM
23 October 2025 5.30PM
27 November 2025 5.30PM
11 December 2025 5.30PM

Attendance for these meetings should be booked through the Pastoral Office.

Baptisms are held in St Agnes’ Parish on Sundays.

Children and youth aged 7-17 years are required to complete a preparation program through attending a number of weekly sessions prior to baptism.

Adults 18 years and over interested in becoming Catholic are prepared through our Journey into the Catholic Faith sessions incorporating the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

For further information contact St Agnes’ Pastoral Office.


St Agnes’ Parish Presbytery Office
PO Box 23
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
(02) 6583 1024

Organising your Wedding in our Parish

It is a requirement in law that an appropriate preparation be given to couples contemplating marriage. This requirement has arisen from the sad statistic that more than 40% of first marriages fail. Following are two compulsory steps of marriage preparation and a third optional step of marriage preparation to be completed as soon as possible by couples intending to be married in our Parish.


There is specific Church and Government documentation to be completed no more than 18 months, and no less than one month before your wedding. It is necessary to make an appointment to see a priest to complete the Church paperwork. If you do not live locally, the paperwork can be completed by the local Parish Priest of your area and posted to us. When you meet with the priest you will need to have copies of your Birth and Baptismal Certificates.
NB. The Government documentation needs to be completed at least one month before your marriage.


The Focus Program is a self-diagnostic instrument designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their unique relationship. It is not a test nor meant as a predictor of success or failure in marriage. It is a tool to help couples name and work through issues before marriage.

Parking Plan

For information on organising a funeral please contact the Presbytery Office on 6583 1024.

Parking Plan


Restored Order
Celebrating the sacraments of Christian initiation in the order originally intended, that is, Baptism followed by Confirmation and then Eucharist, clarifies the intimate connection between Baptism and Confirmation and highlights the Eucharist as the summit of Christian initiation.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”  – St Catherine of Siena

The new life of faith received at Baptism is further strengthened in Confirmation (the second sacrament of initiation) when the bishop or priest prays over the candidates calling down the Holy Spirit upon them and anointing them with the oil of Sacred Chrism. 

Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.     Ephesians 4:32

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance or Confession) is one of two sacraments of healing (the other being the Anointing of the Sick). It is a sacrament of forgiveness and celebrates God’s love and mercy towards us.

“The Eucharist is the highway to heaven.” –  Blessed Carlo Acutis

Before his death and resurrection Jesus celebrated a final meal with his disciples, leaving himself to them and to us in the form of bread and wine. Sunday after Sunday we gather as present day disciples to share the consecrated bread and wine, his Body and Blood, so that we are strengthened and nourished for the journey of life ahead.
The third and final sacrament of initiation of the Catholic faith is Eucharist. On this special occasion a person receives holy communion for the first time.

Children are eligible to receive these sacraments in the parish if they have been baptised into the Catholic Church and are in Year 3 or above.
  • Confirmation – Year 3 (Term 3 2025)   
  • Reconciliation – Year 4 (Term 1 2025)      
  • Eucharist (First Holy Communion) – Year 4 (Term 2 2025)
Programs of preparation for each sacrament are organised through the parish and the Catholic primary schools.
For further information contact St Agnes’ Pastoral Office via email or on 6583 1024.

About our Parish

St Agnes’ Catholic Parish Port Macquarie

Welcome to St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, a Catholic community located in beautiful Port Macquarie on the mid-north coast of NSW, Australia.

Since the first St Agnes’ Catholic Church was built in 1878, the Parish has played an essential role in caring for, guiding and growing, the local community. Click here to view the history of our Parish.

The St Agnes’ Catholic Parish of today is diverse, vibrant and represents all age groups and many different cultures and backgrounds.

Supported by a 13,000 strong Catholic faith community, St Agnes’ Catholic Parish provides meaningful services across the full spectrum of life in ministry, education, childcare, aged care, family support, disability, employment and training.

St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is committed to the vision that “Everything is oriented towards the praise and glory of God” and its mission:

  • Holiness in the image of Christ
  • Proclaim the good news of salvation
  • Minister within the faith community
  • Service of all, particularly those in need.

Ours is a loving, supportive and respectful faith community. We are always ready to welcome new faces and hope you’ll join us for Mass soon. To see first-hand how the Parish helps the local community, click here to read our latest Annual Report.

Every Sunday at 5.00pm there is a Mass especially for families and youth. Please note, it’s best to always check the latest mass times before attending.

St Agnes' Parish - Stations of the Cross

St Agnes’ Parish Pastoral Office

Sacraments and Services – masses, baptisms, weddings, communions to the sick, funerals and general enquiries.

St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle

Our services include aged care, disability services, family and youth programs are delivered to improve quality of life and empower people to achieve their lifestyle goals and feel joy within themselves.

St Agnes’ Foundation

A reputable and truly unique financial institution, giving you the opportunity to create a trust fund to help a charity, community service or person in need, both now and following your death.

St Agnes’ Parish Schools

Catholic education for over 4000 students through St Agnes’ Primary, St Peter’s Primary, St Joseph’s Primary, Mackillop College, St Joseph’s Regional College and Newman Senior Technical College.

St Joseph’s Family Services

Innovative and inclusive early education and family day care services.

John Henry Institute

A unique training provider committed to helping individuals and businesses find their purpose and reach their full potential through vocational education and training.

Understanding Faith

A unique online Multimedia Religious Education Resource covering Primary and Secondary School curriculums.

Port Macquarie Youth Hub

Nurturing and supporting the Youth of the Hastings, building their self-esteem through a platform based on friendship, health, education and community support.


Spaces for you to call home during your faith journey as a young person. Come and take a seat at one of our ministries

St Agnes’ Parish Uniform Store

Supplier of uniforms for all St Agnes’ Parish primary and secondary schools, providing a caring, personal service.

St Agnes’ Food Services

A quality food service providing fresh, chilled chef-prepared packaged meals ready to heat and catering for functions.

The Francis Retreat

A beautiful sanctuary for school retreats/camps, group retreats, conferences, training days and short stays.

St Agnes’ Parish Administration Centre

Home to Parish support services such Human Resources, Information Technology, Communications, Marketing, Property Management, and School Fees Management.

St Agnes' Catholic Parish - Pastoral Office

St Agnes’ Parish Pastoral Office

Sacraments and Services – masses, baptisms, weddings, communions to the sick, funerals and general enquiries.


St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle

Our services include aged care, disability services, family and youth programs are delivered to improve quality of life and empower people to achieve their lifestyle goals and feel joy within themselves.

St Agnes' Foundation

St Agnes’ Foundation

A public benevolent charity established to advance social and/or public welfare.

St Agnes’ Parish Schools

Catholic education for over 4000 students through St Agnes’ Primary, St Peter’s Primary, St Joseph’s Primary, Mackillop College, St Joseph’s Regional College and Newman Senior Technical College.

St Joseph's Family Services
St Joseph’s Family Services

Innovative and inclusive early education and family day care services.

John Henry Institute
John Henry Institute

A unique training provider committed to helping individuals and businesses find their purpose and reach their full potential through vocational education and training.

Understanding Faith

Understanding Faith

A unique online Multimedia Religious Education Resource covering Primary and Secondary School curriculums.

Port Macquarie Youth Hub
Port Macquarie Youth Hub

Nurturing and supporting the Youth of the Hastings, building their self-esteem through a platform based on friendship, health, education and community support.


Spaces for you to call home during your faith journey as a young person. Come and take a seat at one of our ministries.

St Agnes' Uniform Store logo
St Agnes’ Parish Uniform Store

Supplier of uniforms for all St Agnes’ Parish primary and secondary schools, providing a caring, personal service.

St Agnes' Food Services logo
St Agnes’ Food Services

A quality food service providing fresh, chilled chef-prepared packaged meals ready to heat and catering for functions.

The Francis Retreat logo
The Francis Retreat

A beautiful sanctuary for school retreats/camps, group retreats, conferences, training days and short stays.

St Agnes' Parish pastoral activities


For general enquiries

The email form below is for general enquiries.

If you have specific enquiries that should be directed to certain service areas within the parish, please go to their individual contact pages.